Dennis Coffey and the Detroit Guitar Band - Scorpio
When I first got into digging for records I came across a busted 45 of Dennis Coffey's Scorpio. Scorpio side was all fucked up, but it still kinda played. I was like "damn this is some hot shit". The more I got into records I learned that this is a b-boy staple and for a damn good reason. There is some dope breakdowns on this shit, where a bass line, Coffey's guitar, and the drums will just swing for a few measures. Giving DJ' something to juggle and the breakers something to dance to. Anyways, just recently I was digging in a salvo down in central jersey, and came across a NM copy of the whole LP. Coffey was a pretty bad motherfucker on the guitar. Dude really had chops and fucked a wah peddle up. I found out that he was a session guitar player for Motown records all throughout there golden years. He had tons of classics under his belt out of that camp. Coffey also did the score to Black Belt Jones which was a cult classic back in the day. He also pulled mad session work at Ric Tic Records which housed acts like Edwin Star. And he even started The Sunliners with Mike Theodore which later on became Rare Earth. Dude has a history. Now in the hip hop scheme of things, this record I'm featuring here, has been straight raped to death. Cats have not slept on this at all. I think it would be a little bad taste to even sample it now. You really gotta flip that shit now and days or you will play yourself like an asshole. If you do find it out in the field though or on the reissue tip, dont sleep. Its just one of those joints you need in your collection.
Aight today Imma post up the b-boy jam Scropio, a Led Zep cover that alot of you will recognize, and a nice slow heady guitar jam. Oh and Im pretty fucking pissed I missed the Wilkes Barre Record Fair today. I had to do a recording today and I couldn't make it down to that shit. Thats the only show that really comes around these parts of PA, so I try to get out there and get some heaters. AH WELLLLLLL. Im broke anyways so I would have to had brought a bag of change to coin star to get some loot. I should just pay for records in change anyways. Spice up the transaction part a little.
I got a promo from Scion a few weeks ago for this new album/tour that El Michaels Affair and Raekwon are doing. Ive been a fan of the Affair for a little while now after I heard a track off Rewind Vol. 5 which had them covering Walk On By. I thought that was pretty cool how they reinterpreted it. After that they did an album on Truth And Soul Records, Sounding Out The City. They have that raw vintage sound that is very familiar to what producers and DJs are digging up to make there own tracks. You would swear that this shit was recorded in 1972. The Affair though is embracing the hip hop cats like the Wu which I think is a great match up. They are bringing that live band aspect to gritty rugged, hip hop which needs to be done a lot more. Some real good shit coming out of Brooklyn. So check Truth and Soul's Myspace (some sick wu covers on there) and check Scion's site for more info on the upcoming album.
I got that promo joint up today for download so check that shit, its in .rar format so use Winrar to extract it. They do a real dope cover of the PJ's produced by Pete Rock which is butta. I also included a track from there first album. So check the links, buy the albums, and goto the shows. Help these dudes out cause they are bringing some new shit to the table and need the support.
Well god damn. Its been a long time since ive done this shit. Ive been enjoying life lately and have really had no time to do the whole blog thing. Im going to school to become an audio engineer now, work for npr, been making some dope beats, record orchestras, and about to get into the record dealing biz. I really dropped the ball on this blog shit though, but im trying to work back into it. So bear with me till I get this shit back up to where it used to be. Now with youtube and other ill shit at my disposal, we gonna tear this shit up.
Today imma post some shit ive been feeling lately. Get your feet wet with some funk bangers today.
1. The Whitefield Brothers - The Don This shit right here is dope. Real funky groove and just has that grit to it. And that real "shut yo mouth" bassline going it. I like when the guitar comes in for the solo and rips it up. And when they flip the delay effects on the bridge, it really makes a nice switch up. I just got one of there albums on reissue. Uh this shit here
2. Al Green - Lets Stay Together Damn man this shit takes me back. I used to sit around and write love notes to my girl in highschool while bumping this in the background. Thats how i roll. Nah but Rev. AL is a legend. He just played up here recently and I missed his ass. It probably was a mediocre show, cause he found jesus, but shit its fucking Al Green for chrissake.
3. Giant Panda - One Time Aight, now i really am not a fan of cats rapping in foreign languages. I know i shouldn't be shallow and should strive to move past the language barrier, but fuck all that shit. If i cant understand you, I CANT FUCKING UNDERSTAND YOU!!!!! How the fuck do i get down to some asshole rapping in Japanese when he could be advocating silly shit like wearing pink and punching nuns in the teeth? Now this shit here is an exception to the rule. On the 3rd verse this dude just rips it up Tokyo style (i think - its a shot in the dark- could be Chinese, and if it is, im sorry for the mixup) I like this album fly school reunion so check for that shit. This beat is bananas so i keeps it on rotation.
4. Del - Made In America Man the first time I ever heard about Del was in an issue of High Times when i was like 14. Been a pretty big fan after that. As Ice Cubes cousin, he got started with the lynch mob and then went out and did his own thing. I Wish My Brother George Was Here was ill, Both Sides Of The Brain, Deltron 3030, the Goriallz shit, and No Need For Alarm, were all pretty decent albums too. Im not really a big fan of the recent Hiero shit, but he still is a dope motherfucker.
5. Skee-Lo - I wish i was a little bit taller This was another jam of mine from back in my youth. I used to rock this shit non stop. I just found it last night and Ive had it on lock reminiscing about my adolescence. The lyrics are kinda doo doo, but the hook is tight and the vibe is right. Blaow, now im rhyming like Skee-Lo. But the video is my fondest memory of this shit. By the way, what ever happened to this dude? Im too lazy to give a shit and look it up my damn self, so if anyone knows drop it in the comments.
And thats it. So tell ya friends, send ya promos, and come on back tomorrow. I should be putting mad shit up fast to get this shit operating again so keep an eye out. And this time Im serious. Tomorrow Ill drop the raekwon/el michaels affair promo on all yall, so be ready. Peace
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