NYC Record Stores

Fatbeats NYC
Whats good? Sorry I haven’t been on for a few, my Internet got shut off cause I’m a scumbag who doesn’t like to pay my bills. Anyways, tonight’s post is going to be on my favorite city and the record stores in it. I try to hit NYC at least once a month where I proceed to spend $300 to $400 on some of the illist records around. I’m out in the lameness of PA, so quality record shops are lacking. Me and my boy Dan try to hit up 3 places every time we roll out there. Fatbeats, The Sound Libary, and Turntable Lab. These three usually bankrupt me by the time I make my rounds. I will break down them one by one, and a few more shops in the area to check out when you hit the city. Oh and I went out and bought a drumset. Shit is real tight. If anyone has any good links or advice, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME. It would be appreciated. I’m a straight up retard on them. Aint nothing like my MPC. Not a good look. Oh and hit up the forums for some free music. You have to be a member to join the mp3 section. Now on to the stores.
Fatbeats is one of the finest hip hop record stores in NYC. If you need some indie and the current hot shit that is on the radio, this is your first stop. They have all the banging indie singles and LPs you need. On the one wall right across from the wall is all the current indie and commercial shit. There is bins in the middle with indie shit throughout the years. Real nice selection. In front of the turntables there is mad sampleable shit like the Dusty Fingers Comps and funk and jazz re-issues. Now on the wall to the left of the turntables is the scratch records and the old school records. The problem with this wall is that the fucking sun hits them and bakes them bitches so you bring home mad warped records. Not too cool. Other then that though the selection is dope. Up at the counter you have all the dope videos and books on hip hop, graff, and all other shit like that. If you spin hip hop this is the place to check out while your in NYC. Also you will see artists in there all the time. I've ran into Breezy Brewin from the Juggaknots, J-Zone, DJ Rhettmatics, and DJ Eclipse from Non-Phixion, who actually is the manager.
The Sound Library
I think this place is my favorite record store in NYC. I make beats and this place gets my nipples hard. When you walk in there is bins of the illist jazz, funk, and rare grooves just laid out. Everything in there is heat. They are a little pricey, but worth it. It's like they weed through all the bullshit at a place you would normally dig at, and just leave you with the fire. Real dope. They also have a real nice hip hop collection with OG pressings of real rare albums and singles. The last time I was in there they had an OG Souls Of Mischeif 93 till ... for $60. Pricy but worth it if you have the dough. The have like 2 listening stations and the cats that work there are pretty knowledgeable and helpful. They have a few bins labeled, BEATS: which has all records with dope drum breaks, SOUNDLIBRARIES: records that have certain sounds on them, REISSUES: you get it, and more. If you sample records you have to hit this place up. Just make sure to bring some loot.
Turntable Lab
Another gem located out in the Lower East Side. Its a small place with a few bins and a little DJ station, but don’t let that fool you. This place has mad indie joints, all the current radio joints, mad 90's records, lots of scratch records, downtempo and electronic joints, and they are a full gear dealership. I bought 2 mixers from there. There prices are fair and the selection is dope. They are a well rounded DJ store. Also they give out a lot of promo shit with records. Like there is always a deal like "buy this record and get a limited edition 45 or free cd." Gotta love that shit. They also have mad magazines, and books. The gear selection is dope. You can buy turntables, needles, to MPC's up in that bitch. The prices are on par with everyone else for the gear. The staff is cool and real helpful also. Check them out if you hit the city.
Beat Street
This place is out in the heart of Brooklyn. I haven’t been there in a little while but this place is fucking huge. You walk downstairs and there is seriously like a football field of records up in there. They have the biggest stock of records I’ve seen out in the city. As you first walk through it there is all the commercial thug shit on the right and all the UB&B series of records on the left. A whole wall of scratch records also. As you go further there is a special room dedicated to dancehall and reggae. Then you walk around the corner and there is a whole store in itself with indie joints. Shit is crazy. The first time I went in there I was gassed by how big this place was. You seriously can find everything in there. They got the hip hop on lock. The prices are crazy cheap also. Like singles for under $4. Not really a place to look for samples but if you DJ, this the joint.
Rock and Soul
I have never been to this place but I hear they got good stock and gear. I cant really elaborate though.
That’s all the places that I hit up when I hit the city. They usually put me in crazy debt, but leave me real fucking happy. You just can't find wax like that anywhere else. If your looking for quality though you must make a trip to the Mecca of Hippity Hop. There is also mad lil record stores that you stumble upon while venturing around the village, and the LES. Just keep your eyes open. I went to this one place the one time called 8 Ball Records and they had mad house and DnB, I think. Limited hip hop, but quality shit. Got Super Duck Breaks up in there.
Online Record Stores
Since I’m on the topic of record stores, I'll let you know 'bout a few where I get my e-digging on.
Dusty Groove
I’ve spent many a paycheck up in this bitch. They are based out in Chicago and have great shit to sample. If you are looking for nice rare records, and re-issues of dope shit, this the place to fuck with. Their prices ain't to bad either. Their jazz selection is real nice and they got mad funk joints. You can also buy hip hop up in there also. What I like about this place is that on a lot of the records listed they show the covers. I’m not a hard core digger and roll around with lists of shit that I need to get, so I base a lot of purchases on covers. I know some names of shit to look for and labels but a cover is what sells it for me. So that is a dope feature. The shipping is nice and fast, and I think they send shit overseas. Good place to fuck with if your in the boonies looking for shit to sample.
I’ve messed with these cats once and they got a good selection of hip hop. Mad indie joints. They also give out mad promo cds and vinyl on most purchases and they always have the newest joints in stock. A good place to get your underground joints. I like this place cause they have snippets of the wax for you to peep. That’s a good tool on deciding on what to cop.
Sandbox Automatic
This place is the bare bones approach, but they got the selection. They are real good on customer service and thorough in promos and shit also. They have a lot of stock also. One of the best hip hop record stores online.
Turntable Lab
Now I talked about the retail store, but there online shop is just as banging. They have all the shit they have in the retail store on here, and show covers and play snippets of the records. I love shopping at this joint online. If you can't make it out to NYC definitely hit this shit up.
Music for you fuckers
Aight got to throw up some heaters so check it:
1. Devil's Pie - D'Angelo
A dope Primo production with D'Angleo crooning over the track. Shit is heat. This cut was off the Belly soundtrack and got alot of play in the whip when I was younger. The beat is sick and D'Angleo talks 'bout the evils of man. WORD.
2. I'm a Villain - Nas
This was a Nas bootleg that came out a while ago. Shit is pretty dope. I like the laid back vibe of the beat and his lyrics. That bassline is fire.
3. Impuls - Sextant
The jazz cut of the night. This song starts out all wierd and dramatic then breaks into some funky shit towards the middle. Some European rare grooves for you. I got this off a comp with a lot of other rare grooves from there and they all are pretty tight. I might throw some more up later on down the road. If your lucky....
And that's it. Enjoy bitches.
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